Thursday, March 28, 2013

Using the NBN to reinvent Centrelink | Business Spectator

Using the NBN to reinvent Centrelink | Business Spectator: " As the political jousting on the NBN pauses for breath, now might be a good time to consider just what benefits universal high-speed broadband could bring to both the private and the public sector.

What impact might the NBN have on government service delivery costs? The simple answer is none if there is no fast, ubiquitous network. However, even with a network available meaningful change will be hard to come by if government agencies don’t rethink their service and delivery models.
Here’s a glimpse of what’s achievable."

Read more:

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Monday, March 25, 2013

NBN Co gets survivability right | Business Spectator

NBN Co gets survivability right | Business Spectator: "Labor’s ambitious national broadband network (NBN) is living on borrowed time and will almost certainly be binned after the September election. The NBN may have had its fair share of problems – some legitimate and some self-inflicted – but it has a lot of redeeming features as well, especially when it comes to the network’s architecture. The Coalition’s NBN alternative may seem pragmatic but can it afford to undo the good work done so far?"

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NBN Co’s rate of return forecast ‘dubious’

NBN Co’s rate of return forecast ‘dubious’: "Leading telecommunications economists have questioned NBN Co’s claims that it will deliver a 7.1 per cent return for the government by 2040, as it faces a decision from the competition watchdog on its pricing methods.

The company has maintained it will recover its $37.4 billion capital cost by 2033 and generate a positive return for the government of 7.1 per cent between 2012 and 2040.

A positive financial return is critical because it allows the government, under international accounting standards, to classify equity funding for NBN Co as an investment on the budget, rather than an expense."

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Delivering on the NBN promise - eliminating the myth of 'notionally unconstrained' – Opinion – ABC Technology and Games (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Delivering on the NBN promise - eliminating the myth of 'notionally unconstrained' – Opinion – ABC Technology and Games (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "The NBN's promise of "big bandwidth" will undoubtedly transform the way we do business. Removal of existing network bottlenecks will enable businesses to dramatically upscale their applications and online capabilities. These benefits, however, require IT managers and the C-suite to take immediate and rigorous action. IT managers must adopt tools and strategies to actively manage applications growth, while the C-suite needs to challenge the belief that the NBN offers 'notionally unconstrained' bandwidth and 'limitless' capability."

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Technology - NBN confirms construction delay, but expert points to bigger problems

Technology - NBN confirms construction delay, but expert points to bigger problems: "The National Broadband Network has finally confirmed what everybody already knew – the infrastructure project is three months behind schedule.

The confirmation of a delay comes after weeks of reports construction partners were falling behind, with industry pundits accusing NBN Co executives of tinkering with figures to make it seem the project was still on schedule.

NBN Co also announced the appointment of a new chair yesterday, exacerbating a perception of mismanagement."

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

NBN Says Opposition’s Australia Internet Plan Cheaper - Bloomberg

NBN Says Opposition’s Australia Internet Plan Cheaper - Bloomberg: "Australia’s A$37.9 billion ($39 billion) NBN, a government-backed fiber Internet network, may be more than 20 percent cheaper to construct under an opposition party proposal, the head of the company building it said.
Asked if the proposal from the opposition Liberal-National party coalition, which has an election winning lead in opinion polls, may be 10 percent to 20 percent cheaper, or even more than that, NBN Co. Chief Executive Officer Mike Quigley told Australian Broadcasting Corp."

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Conroy on spot after NBN targets fall short

Conroy on spot after NBN targets fall short: "The NBN Co's target of ''passing'' 341,000 homes by the end of June was cut by about a third. The company said only between 190,000 and 220,000 premises would be passed by fibre by then. NBN Co counts as passed premises where cable has been laid in the street but the house or apartment is yet to be connected."

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why we're missing the NBN's advantages | adelaidenow

Why we're missing the NBN's advantages | adelaidenow: "HOUSEHOLDS are missing out on the benefits of the national broadband network because their own equipment is too slow or they can't afford an upgraded service, a survey has found.

The survey was carried out in the first area in South Australia connected to the $37 billion system.

Some residents of Willunga - SA's pilot site - are disappointed at the speeds they have been able to achieve since they were connected one year ago."

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NEW GERIATRICIAN HELPS THE ELDERLY : NBN News: "After 27 years as the Far North Coast’s only Geriatrician, Dr Hugh Fairfull-Smith finally has a helper.
The Northern New South Wales Health District today welcomed Dr Alison Semmons to its tiny team of geriatric specialists.
The new recruit is already run off her feet."

Watch the video

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National Broadband Network to help elderly stay in own homes, project boss says | Herald Sun

National Broadband Network to help elderly stay in own homes, project boss says | Herald Sun: "THE National Broadband Network will help older people stay in their own homes longer and their aged care will cost a fraction of what they would pay for a nursing home, the man in charge of building the project says.

NBN boss Mike Quigley also says households will receive better and faster broadband for what they already pay.

Mr Quigley hit back at critics who had derided the NBN's slow roll-out, saying the decade-long project was like "pushing the pig through the python" but it would hit big milestones in the next 12 months."

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Why not wireless? | NBN MYTHS

Why not wireless? | NBN MYTHS: "The numerous mainstream media articles on the NBN (and particularly the comments sections) are invariably littered with statements like “Wireless is the future”, “Everyone knows fixed lines are dead”, “fibre optics are being made obsolete” etc etc."

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NBN Co: Countdown for copper switch-off for 25,000 homes - Computerworld

NBN Co: Countdown for copper switch-off for 25,000 homes - Computerworld: "Residents and businesses at around 25,000 premises in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania will be forced onto the National Broadband Network (NBN) in around 19 months, after copper and cable internet in their suburbs is switched off.

The services will be switched off in 15 locations at the end of an 18-month period, which begins 23 November this year, once the areas are NBN-ready.

Internet access via Telstra's HFC network will be affected, but not pay TV. Internet access over Optus' HFC network will be switched off at a later date. Other services, such as ISDN connections and services over Telstra's Megalink offering, will not be affected by the 23 November countdown."

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NBN Sets First Copper Network Switch-Off Date | Lifehacker Australia

NBN Sets First Copper Network Switch-Off Date | Lifehacker Australia: "Many of us are hanging out for the day when the National Broadband Network (NBN) first becomes available in our areas, but the network has just passed a different milestone: it has set a switch-off date for the copper network in those locations where NBN fibre is already well-established.

An 18-month countdown to switch-off commences on November 23 2012, which gives a final date of May 23, 2014. On that date, copper services passing approximately 25,000 premises will be switched off. You won’t be forced to connect to the NBN if you don’t want to, but you won’t be able to stick with the copper status quo in those areas. There are plenty of choices for NBN providers.

For reference, these are the main areas affected and the number of premises that have been passed. Self-evidently, this doesn’t cover every household in those locations: if the NBN hasn’t been connected in your street and you live in one of these towns, the 18-month cut-off won’t apply."

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Did you know that our copper network is being switched off? | NBN - National Broadband Network - Australia

Did you know that our copper network is being switched off? | NBN - National Broadband Network - Australia: "The countdown has begun for the switchover to fibre in 15 locations across the country.

People in areas covering approximately 25,000 homes and businesses will make the switch to the fibre network over an 18 month timeframe, which began on 23 November 2012.

In the future, Telstra and other providers will all offer internet and phone services over the NBN fibre network."

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Worst of the worst: Photos of Australia’s copper network | Delimiter

Worst of the worst: Photos of Australia’s copper network | Delimiter: "photo gallery You don’t always have a perfect day. Some days, you just get out of bed on the wrong side of the bed, and things go wrong for you all day. Australia’s copper telecommunications network is like that. Most days it works OK, but on some days it’s just a shocker. And there’s a very good reason why — it’s old and in many areas it hasn’t been maintained very well."

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NBN Co set to revise rollout targets

NBN Co set to revise rollout targets: "The company building the national broadband network is preparing to downgrade politically crucial rollout targets by up to half of those initially forecast, as it faces mounting pressure ahead of the federal election."

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NBN Co set to revise rollout targets

NBN Co set to revise rollout targets: "The company building the national broadband network is preparing to downgrade politically crucial rollout targets by up to half of those initially forecast, as it faces mounting pressure ahead of the federal election."

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iiNet signs 10,000 customers up to the NBN | Business Spectator

iiNet signs 10,000 customers up to the NBN | Business Spectator: "iiNet has hit a milestone in its campaign to sign users up to the NBN, with the company saying its connected more than 10,000 of its customers to the new network."

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