Saturday, April 10, 2010

Willunga and Community Broadband

Looking at community broadband.

Came across an article on a thought provoking British site for shedding light on Willunga National Broadband Network rollout.

It states:

There are few people today that would dispute that future connectivity will be based on fibre; the questions are of timing and how the transition can be managed. Today there are two main intellectual camps – those that tend towards a top-down national roll-out and those that see a bottom-up locally led market transition. These thought processes imply three scenarios which may play out as next generation projects emerge in the UK:

* Da Wo (“Big Me”). This describes the development of a traditional vertically integrated operator willing to build NGA networks alone. This is essentially what occurred in Japan.

* Islands of Connectivity. A scenario where projects develop largely in isolation with few links with other projects. This is the traditional municipal network approach.

* The Patchwork Quilt. Local projects develop but exist within a framework which ensures a consistent interface to the market.

To read more see

Makes me wonder what is happening in the other pilot communities - Brunswick, Vic;  Townsville, Qld;  Armidale, NSW;  Minnamurra and Kiama Downs NSW

Friday, April 9, 2010

Willunga and the National Broadband Network

On March 2, 2010 it was announced that Willunga has been chosen as a pilot site for the roll out of the National Broadband Network. The purpose of this blog is to track announcements of NBN related to Willunga and to explore some questions like what does NBN mean for Willunga, its people, its economy and its future.

For more info on the national broadband network visit ;
NBN First release sites see ;
for a map of the area to be covered see

As time permits I'll track down articles and post links to them here.