Looking at community broadband.
Came across an article on a thought provoking British site for shedding light on Willunga National Broadband Network rollout.
It states:
There are few people today that would dispute that future connectivity will be based on fibre; the questions are of timing and how the transition can be managed. Today there are two main intellectual camps – those that tend towards a top-down national roll-out and those that see a bottom-up locally led market transition. These thought processes imply three scenarios which may play out as next generation projects emerge in the UK:
* Da Wo (“Big Me”). This describes the development of a traditional vertically integrated operator willing to build NGA networks alone. This is essentially what occurred in Japan.
* Islands of Connectivity. A scenario where projects develop largely in isolation with few links with other projects. This is the traditional municipal network approach.
* The Patchwork Quilt. Local projects develop but exist within a framework which ensures a consistent interface to the market.
To read more see http://bit.ly/cXLOIp
Makes me wonder what is happening in the other pilot communities - Brunswick, Vic; Townsville, Qld; Armidale, NSW; Minnamurra and Kiama Downs NSW
More info from the government on NBN available here http://www.nbn.gov.au/